新闻 2020年8月6日

Mitie 风景 boosts greener cities with launch of Plan Zero City Landscaping Service

  • 米蒂推出了一项新的零计划城市景观澳博官方网站, specifically designed to limit environmental impact in cities and urban areas
  • 这项澳博官方网站将支持有净零目标的客户, 确保零堆填废物, zero single-use plastic and will only operate electric vehicles and 电池驱动的设备
  • The launch is another step towards Mitie achieving its Plan Zero commitment of reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2025
  • 这是550th electric vehicle, meaning that Mitie is three-quarters of the way to meeting its 20% by 2020 goal

Mitie has launched a Plan Zero City Landscaping Service designed to deliver sustainable services for customers with net zero carbon ambitions, by helping reduce emissions in high-pollution areas such as cities and urban environments. 该澳博官方网站仅使用电动汽车(EV)。, 电池驱动的设备, 比如电动修剪机, 吹叶机和割草机, commits to using no single-use plastic and will generate zero landfill waste. This is part of Mitie’s Plan Zero commitment to champion sustainable services for customers, 并在2025年之前实现自己的净零碳排放目标.

澳博官方网站将使用梅赛德斯e-Vito电动面包车. This has been custom-fitted with solar panels on its roof to generate renewable 能源, 哪些将被用来给电池供电的绿化设备充电, 不影响货车本身电池的充电. With all EV charge points at Mitie sites already powered by renewable 能源, 货车和工具将是真正的零排放, bringing Mitie one step closer to its 2025 net zero carbon emissions objective.

零计划城市景观美化澳博官方网站也取代了所有化学品, 比如杀虫剂和合成肥料, 为了环保技术, 比如手工除草, 进一步减少对环境的影响. 除此之外, 该处只采用可持续的工作做法, including maintaining flexible work schedules to help reduce traffic in the cities at peak times and eliminating all single use plastic by replacing plastic bags with reusable polypropylene refuse collection satchels and rack sacks.

The Service will also focus on helping clients improve the ecology of their surroundings by providing expert advice and actions to enhance biodiversity in the communities where they are based. This can include wildflower planting to encourage pollinators or creating ‘green walls’.

借鉴Mitie 浪费的经验和专业知识, the Plan Zero Landscaping Service also uses sustainable waste management 科技niques to ensure that it sends zero waste to landfill. This includes reducing environmental impact by eliminating the creation of waste in the first place, 以及提高回收率. Any general waste that is produced will be processed into heat and power. 与此同时, 绿色垃圾将被送往厌氧消化工厂, 它会在哪里变成甲烷, 液体肥料和堆肥将用于许多工业, 包括天然气发电和农业.

The Plan Zero City Landscaping Service is being trialled in London and will be rolled-out to other major cities across the UK later this year.

Mitie is marking the launch of the new Plan Zero City Landscaping Service with the delivery of its 550th EV, meaning Mitie is already three-quarters of the way to achieving its major milestone of switching 20% of its cars and small vans (around 715 vehicles) to electric by the end of 2020. The Mercedes e-Vito joins the 449 other electric cars vans which have joined Mitie’s fleet, 英国最大的电动车队之一, 在一年多的时间里.

Mitie景观部总经理Tim Howell说:

“Our new Plan Zero City Landscaping Service offers the most sustainable service possible, 从车辆和工具的选择, 一直到废物的处理方式. We’ve looked at every element of the service in detail from banning black bin bags to bringing back traditional and more manual landscaping 科技niques. 尽管在应对气候变化的斗争中还有一段路要走, we’re proud to be leading the 行业 with this sustainability-first approach to help to create greener cities.”


新闻 2020年6月17日

Mitie launches new service helping businesses reach Zero Carbon for Zero Cost

As the nation prepares to get Britain Back to 业务 and lockdown restrictions begin to ease, organisations across the UK are considering how they can prepare for a ‘new normal’ way of operating. 支持那些计划重返工作岗位的人, Mitie Energy has launched a new Zero Carbon for Zero Cost service to help businesses drive a green recovery, as part of its Plan Zero commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2025.
